Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Student Loans A Simple Guide

There are various resources to find money for a college education. Student scholarships, student loans, and grants are available to get a college education. After going through the merits and demerits, the best option may be chosen.

Student loans are different from a student scholarship since they have to be repaid. Student loan schemes are available in two different types. One is a subsidized loan and another is an unsubsidized loan. The interest for the subsidized loan is taken care of by the Federal Government in USA and in other countries the finance ministry provides some sort of assistance, whereas the unsubsidized loans carry a normal percentage of interest. Eligibility for a subsidized loan can be found out by filling in the relevant details online

The students and the parents can become tense at the time of planning how the expenses of a college education will be met.

To finance a college education, a programme called FFELP (Federal family education loan programme) provides the most flexible and affordable student loan options. Using the loan finder web service a student can find all the required information for applying for a federal loan online. Find more info at

Additional finances not covered by the federal programme such as education related expenses, overseas study, and housing can be procured through a private student educational loan. When compared to credit cards, these programmes carry a marginally lower interest rate and have very easy payback terms.

Many of the student loan agencies - both government and private - have online submission and processing facilities hence the loans are accepted after a review within a week or sooner. The repayment of the Federal student loan can start six months after the graduation of the applicant.

Student loans can be used not only to pay the fees but also for lab fees, dues for associations and housing. A student can still avail an educational loan even though the tuition is covered by a grant.

A student who is eighteen years or above in age, can apply for a student loan. Most of the student loan is deferred for repayment until the student completes the education or leaves the school.

Private loans for students are not given without a co-signer or a credit report. Credit unions give student loans if a vehicle or a boat is provided as collateral.

During the cumulative credit period, a student has the option of paying or not paying the interest part of the loan. It will become easier if periodical payment is made to cover the interest. If this is done, the capital repayment after completing the studies becomes easier for a student.

Student loans are to be repaid in ten years. Nevertheless, longer repayment facilities are provided to large student educational loans.

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. Find more articles at For more info visit or Blog95519
Allene Blog60789

Adult Dating Sites, Done Just Right, Are Great

Dating is a lot easier back when I was still young. But now that Ive gotten older and have more responsibilities than before, I find that I dont have enough time to spend on socializing with people my age. Is your situation the same as mine? If it is, then you might want to try adult dating sites. We use to meet people through our friends and acquaintances but now that we dont have the luxury of time, dating sites on the Internet gives us a new way of interacting with people for fun, friendship and romantic purposes.

Adult dating sites makes finding singles near your place more convenient, giving you more opportunities to find potential partners for intimate relationships. Most sites have features that let you browse through a gallery of local guys and gals, allowing you to choose your type. Send a few messages to those you like and you may find individuals who are looking for the same kind of relationship. Its also possible to find all types of ethnicity, nationality, religion, marital status, and age group. Adult dating sites gives you all the freedom you want to choose who you want to connect with.

Finding prospective partners through online adult dating sites is quite simple. All you have to do is make a good profile by posting your best picture and adding a few interesting details about yourself on the Internet. You can then wait for emails from other singles who found you appealing. If you want to a more aggressive approach, you can contact those you find pleasing yourself. All of which can be done easily through your PC at the comfort of your room. You dont have to seek out the local hotspots to find other singles, you can have a pleasant conversation with your new found friends through online dating sites.

Todays technology allows you to mingle in many different ways. Adult dating sites enable you to socialize with people through txt messages or chartrooms. You can even communicate through voice chats, making it possible for you to hear your friends lovely voice. If you want to spice up your life, adult dating sites will give you just that. No matter how busy you may be finding interesting friends is now convenient and easy.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning dating. Get more information by visiting Blog24566
Anthia Blog53050

Behind the Scenes of Setting up a Website

Taking the plunge and deciding to set up a website can be a daunting process if you aren't already experienced in domain purchasing, hosting requirements, dns delegation etc. In this article I am going to attempt to familiarize you with some of the concepts and clarify some of the jargon.

There are quite a few manual configuration requirements to get a domain even started in the right directon of being available to the public. Three things have to be considered initially to secure your virtual block of dirt. The three requirements are as follows.

1. Your initial and ongoing cost to own the domain name of your choice subject to availability.

2. Who is going to host the website for you and the ongoing costs associated with having your site hosted.

3. Domain Name Redicrection. A service that can answer requests to resolve your domain name to the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer hosting your website.

Domain name pricing varies and for initial registration of a new domain you can get it quite cheap. Once you've found the best priced domain reseller to purchase your domain name from it is best to buy as many years in advance as you can. If you purchase a domain name for one year for $7.95, when it comes time to renew that domain the price is suddenly $24.95.

Hunt around for the best hosting package you can get. Depending on the size of your site and expected traffic hosting packages can be purchased from as little as $5.95 US per month. Some of the cheap packages include massive bandwidth allocations. Make sure your host uses CPanel. CPanel is a graphical Server Management tool making configuration of your domain a matter of pointing and clicking.

To save money on ongoing hosting fee's, hunt around for a free DNS Service Provider. One in particular is Sites such as these allow you to add several hostnames to your domain. ie

Once you have searched all these avenues and have decided it is in your budget to move to the next step the first thing to do is to register your domain. Once you have registered your domain you will receive emails to your nominated email account with the domain management login information for your domain. Keep these emails as you will need that information soon.

Sign up and pay for hosting with the provider on the hosting plan you chose for cost effectiveness. They will email you your login information and server IP addresses. Again keep these emails for future reference.

Now go to your free dns host. Sign up for an account. During the sign-up process they will notify you of their name server addresses. Write down these addresses as they are also needed soon. DNS Hosts require that their name servers respond as authoritive for your domain before your domain can become active, this requires the name servers retrieved during the DNS host sign up process be entered into the domain registrar.

Go back to the emails you received for registering your domain name. There should be a link in the email to the management section for your domain. The username and password for the management section will also be in this email. Click on the link and enter the username and password. Depending on your host their should be a section related to Name Servers. Becareful not to select to use your hosting company's name service hosting unless you already paid for it. When you have the correct section there will be space for you to enter from four to six name servers. This is where the name server addresses received from the Free DNS Host are to be entered.

This tells the backbone internet servers that if you want to find ask This change can take 24-48 hours to propogate through the world-wide domain name servers.

Once the world-wide domain servers register that is now pointed to your free dns hosting company as authoritive you will be able to specify the IP address of the actual machine that will host your web pages. This IP address will have been in the email you received from your hosting company. This IP address should be added for the domain prefixes mail www ftp smtp and any others that may have been specified in the email from your hosting company.

Your domain is now pointing to your hosting provider and the behind the scenes redicrection process is taken care of. You are now ready to start building that high rise building on your virtual block of dirt. There is no limit to how high you can build on your land.

For a ready made, customizable website have a look at Joomla. Joomla is a reliable PHP based complete website solution. Extensions are available to customize Joomla in many ways, from an online store to a virtual community or dating site. It takes time to understand how Joomla works but once you get the hang of it you will realise how invaluable it is.

My site has two packages containing complete website scripts and utilities. The best part with these scripts is that after you use them to build your site you can resell them and make money from them. Two products in particular I recommend are The AX Gold Webmasters Toolkit and Scripts2Sell. Search for them on the site and have a look at some of the scripts in these packages.

Have a look today.

Adam McleodCasi Blog72498
Annecorinne Blog93910

Easy Spanish Memorization Tips

Are you interested to learn Spanish or other language other than English? If you are, all you need to do is to learn how to use memory techniques. Learning another language for most people is hard, but this is just what youll hear from those people who havent tried learning yet. Instead, try asking those who were able to learn and successfully apply their second language to their normal daily lives.

The truth is, learning a foreign language is not difficult as how you thought it is; instead, learning strengthens your memorization skills. So, if you want to have your brain cells to function to its optimum level, start learning new Spanish words or other foreign language to say the leastVamo nos!

However, before you go into the battlefield of strange words and completely bizarre world of language, arm yourself with patience, high interest and willingness plus, the positive attitude to accomplish your purpose. We already mentioned from the beginning of this article that learning a foreign language associates to the wellness of a persons memory skills.

There is in fact ways on how to learn a foreign language easily and its by using the Link-Word Technique. To use this technique, one word from the Spanish language for example is associated or linked to an image and to another word in English. Lets use the word Mantequilla in Spanish as an example. In English, mantequilla means butter. How is a beginner able to remember this word easily?

You guessed it; by using the Link-Word Technique we can construct a scenario to interpret it in English in the most literal and outrageous way possible. Picture a man entering a bar with a wide sombrero and a big stomach, he then orders 20 glasses of tequila and drinks it one at a time - straight. But, for this Seor, instead of putting salt on his tequila glasses, he asked for big bars of butter to complete his drinking frenzy!

Simple isnt it? This technique since it involves visual imagination makes the memorization easier for the student and learning Spanish or even other foreign languages makes it more interesting.

Shareen Aguilar is a writer for which has Memory Improvement Books and Memory Game Software.Casi Blog72498
Arlena Blog23163

Tips For Finding The Right Pool Table Supplies

Are you a pool fan? Pool is one of the most favorite past-times for all kinds of people. It doesn't matter who I am out with, they all enjoy a great game of 8-ball. You might be a passionate billiards player who has his own pool table. If this is the case, then you should find someone to provide you with pool table supplies. This includes powder or chalk to keep the leather from slipping and supplies for keeping the balls clean and shiny.

If you have your own pool table but have no idea what I am talking about, then it's good if you have a look what's available in pool these days. In case you are searching for pool table supplies, then it will not take you much time to find what you need. Of course, with the PCs and Macs nowadays, you can search from home. Have you checked the market for pool table supplies in cyberspace? When Internet shopping is concerned, there are no boundaries.

So, you are a proud owner of a pool table, then just hop on Google and see what it has to offer you about pool table supplies. Would you like to have one of those professional pool sticks that are easily breakable? They are very different from those you've seen in bars and pool halls. The fine pool sticks are much more expensive than common ones because they are much straighter and are made of finer materials.

Why not check out what types of pool sticks are available online? It is high time you showed off in front of the boys with a professional pool stick. Recently there has been a significant increase in the interest in pool table supplies. Millions of people living all around the world enjoy playing billiards. No matter if they secretly dream of becoming professionals or they just play for fun, everyone has a good time while playing pool.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning entertainment. Learn more at Blog83607
Astra Blog88351

How To Go About Finding Cheap Computers

Almost everyone knows what a computer is and how to use its basic functions. Some people have their own desktop computers or laptops. Those who do not own a computer may still be able to use one by renting or using the ones in public libraries. However, there are cheap computers that are now available in the market, so it is possible that everyone and their grandmothers will be able to afford it. Computers are really amazing. The technology has evolved so much through the years. A lot of things can be done with the newest models that were not possible on the machines which were the top of the line a few decades ago. Give or take a few years from now, the current computers will be phased out and replaced by a more stable, more feature-packed machine.

A few years ago computers were very expensive. One unit of a desktop computer in 1998 cost about $1,600. Thats a lot. Fast forward to the present. The computers in 1998 are nothing compared to the models that we have now. The machines are faster, more durable, and capable of multitasking. Imagine doing so much in so little time! To top it all off, the cost is definitely worth the product. Nowadays, cheap computers are very easy to find. Promo packages as low as $300 are not impossible to find. In fact, they are all over! You might think that cheap computers are not as good as the high-end ones, but that is not the case. You get the same functionality, durability and technology at a very inexpensive price. But where do you find such cheap computers? Stores like Circuit City and Best Buy offer packages that are very inexpensive. However, there is a cheaper alternative shop online! There are a lot of online stores that sell either promo packages or individual hardware parts for you to assemble. Of course, that is up to you. You purchase a machine that is tailored to your own needs.

These days, owning a computer is essential. There isnt any industry that does not make use of this technology. Computers aid in learning and working. The world is a much smaller place now because of computers and the internet. There are just countless of benefits you can get from one single machine. And it does not cost much. Cheap computers are now available online. That is functionality and information within your reach.

Luke Cameron is the owner of Computer Cubicle, an online magazine offering advice and articles on Computers. You can find his website at: and Blog7371
Carry Blog64485

Marketing Tips

I wanted to share some general tips relating to graphic design for small businesses:

Always include an address on your business card, even if you are operating a small business out of your home-it greatly increases your credibility and makes you look much more established! If you're concerned about privacy, a Post Office box is a great way to go. When signing up for a Post Office box, consider using a "Mailboxes" store instead of the Post Office-you'll get a street address instead of the typical "P.O. Box", and the store will accept shipped packages from UPS, FedEx and other carriers for you, so you won't need to give out your home address as a shipping address.

Never be caught anywhere without business cards again! Carry a supply of cards in your car so that if you can restock when purse or wallet stash runs out. The same applies for brochures, articles, promotional postcards, samples, informational flyers, and presentation folders with information about your company and capabilities-you never know when you'll have an opportunity to hand them out!

Look for ways to make producing your designed materials less expensive. Need a business card and brochure? Why not combine the two into a folding business card and save on the printing costs? Is your logo designed in so many colors that printing becomes too costly? Try having materials printed digitally by an online printing house like or're often much more cost-effective for materials printed on white paper stock. If you want to print on a specialty paper, consider converting your logo to a one- or two-color version just for your printed materials-unlimited colors on a website don't cost extra! We're always thinking up creative ways to save our clients money, and we're happy to offer many more suggestions like these based on your individual needs-just contact us with your questions.

Do you want the professionalism of having a printed letterhead, but don't expect to write 500 letters (the minimum quantity for most printers)? There are two options to avoid this: Design a letterhead that can act as a base for your printed invoices, flyers, report or proposal covers, articles, client intake documents and everything else! This way, all of your materials will be professionally branded-and you'll go through "all that letterhead" quicker than you think! Or, recreate your letterhead design as a Microsoft Word template, so that you can print sheets one at a time from your desktop printer. Just pick up a ream of specialty paper from the local office supply warehouse to avoid that "home printed" look.

If you frequently drive for your business, or if your parking spot happens to be on a busy street, make the most of it by having a set of car magnets designed and printed with your logo, phone number and website address on them-they make a big impact, spread the word all over town and, after the initial investment, it's free publicity!

We hope these tips help you promote your business.

Erin Ferree is a brand identity and marketing design strategist who creates big visibility for small businesses. Through her customized marketing and brand identity packages, Erin helps her clients discover their brand differentiators, then designs logos, business cards, and other marketing materials and websites to reflect that differentiation, as well as to increase credibility and memorability. http://www.elf-design.comBobbee Blog54375
Alejandrina Blog52333

The Benefits Of Student Exchanges

Maybe youve considered travel. I used to think that I would travel when I was done school. Then, it occurred to me: theres no time like the present. Going on exchange was the best thing that I could have done. Here are a few reasons that studying abroad is great:

1. Its cheaper.

When you travel as a student, it is often cheaper than traveling later in life. There are a few reasons why: you can get great student discounts (get an ISIC card: an International Student Identification Card), you dont mind staying in hostels, and sometimes the school will help you pay.

2. Its more organized.

If you have been scared to travel because you dont want to do all the paperwork of getting a passport, a visa, and you dont know how to book a flight, dont worry. If you go on an exchange through school, your school will help you with all of the international paperwork. They can answer all your questions. You might not have a lot of experience traveling: they have a lot of experience sending students on exchange. Dont be afraid to benefit from their experience.

3. Its the real experience.

Often when people travel, they take cruises or tours. As much fun as a Contiki tour is, you will probably never get to know any of the places that you visit. You would only hang out with your friends who you came with. If you go on exchange, instead of staying at each place for only a day or so, you get to stay for a few months, or even a year. This means that you will really get the feel for your destination. You will make friends with people who are locals. You will have enough time to really absorb the new culture.

4. Its a rewarding (and awarding) time.

You can get certain awards, prizes, and fellowships for studying abroad. You can even get some when you return from your trip. If you are worried that you wont be able to pay for your trip, find out about some internationalist awards that you can win, and take the time to apply. There are also special loans for students who plan on studying abroad.

5. Its more fun to learn.

When you go on exchange, you will take courses at another high school or college. Yes, there will be school. But the real learning that you do when you are on exchange is not done in the classroom. You will learn things at school, but you will be amazed at how much you learn when you are just having fun. Go sightseeing, see everything you can see. Sign up for field trips and get out there. Youll remember more about your art history if you go see the Sistine Chapel!

If you are going to a country where English isnt the primary language, now is the time to learn that language. Take some courses (even buy some tapes) before you go. Dont be afraid to make a mistake in that language. Just practicing will help you improve. You will find your trip is more rewarding if you make the effort to learn a second language. (Be careful: often when people find out that you are an exchange student, they will want to practice their English with you. However, you can politely explain that you are here to practice their language and they will often understand).

6. It helps you learn about yourself.

You might think that you have traveled to another country to learn about that country. But you will find that you also learn more about your country when you travel because you will start comparing your culture to another culture. When other people ask you questions about your country, you might learn new things about your history, geography, and politics. You will come back to America knowing more about who you are and where you come from.

7. It looks great on a resume.

In the end, after you have traveled the world, seen all the sights, and come back a better person, you will be able to put this exchange on your resume. You will be able to explain your experience for jobs, future education, and other positions that you apply for.

8. Its easy to finance.

If you are concerned about financing your exchange, dont worry. You can get special loans to help you. Check out the link below.

Morgan James is the editor of, which has information on how to fund college exchanges. Morgan successfully completed an exchange to New Zealand and would do it again in a second!Adora Blog57881
Arline Blog69378

The Key To Online Branding

Branding is the process of building a favorable image for your product or enterprise. It differentiates your identity from others in this increasingly competitive world and is a key component of most business strategy.

To build a strong brand presence, your communication needs to be global. Hence the internet is a vital facilitator in any branding exercise since it has the power to deepen the relationship between your enterprise and your customers worldwide.

In this piece well talk about how you can integrate your website into your overall branding strategy.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that the name of your product, service or website finds a special place in the mind of your customers. How will you achieve this?

Have an attractive storefront: If you sell online, use images to your advantage. Employ an innovative website model with a focus on display backed by a description of your product. Visitors to your site are more likely to remember your product if they see pictures.

Choose a catchy domain name: This point needs your attention. Visitors recognize you by this name, hence choose a unique name that is easy to remember. It need not necessarily relate to the products that you sell, but must leave an impression. For example, Amazon doesnt relate to books or any other products that they sell, but it sure conveys a certain image. Incidentally, if your company has a long name, consider shortening it for use as the name of the website. Remember that many successful brands are three-letter acronyms such as IBM, CNN and BBC.

Design a memorable logo: By this we dont mean that you have to commission a complex work of art at great cost. Think of eBay, Google or Yahoo. All these companies have distinctive logos that most people are able to describe from memory. A logo creates a lasting impression in the mind of your consumers and brings worldwide recognition. Display your logo at all important locations on your site to enhance brand recall. A tagline as part of the logo may be a good idea, provided it reflects your business. Think of Wal-Marts tagline "Always low prices. Always."

Consider the following values before actually developing or refining the website.

Be consistent: A complete branding exercise requires targeting customers through various channels (radio, newspaper ads, event management, etc). Your message should be consistent across all channels. Only then will your identity be established uniformly in the minds of the audience.

Be creative: Branding is all about originality. So, you need to come up with new ideas to become a favorite. Think of ways in which you can differentiate yourself from your competitors. Can you be novel, without being wacky?

Reflect your qualities: The product or service that you offer is the real hero, and the website must reflect its personality. Sometimes the website has little resemblance to the other important business elements and this only serves to confuse the customer. Projecting the qualities of the product, service or company in a consistent manner will help people remember them.

Talk about yourself: The About Us section must also be an integral part of the branding effort. Think of what information will interest visitors, and compose this section accordingly. Generally, a brief description of origin, founders, size and important business milestones is appropriate.

Include a copyright statement: Your exclusive rights to your brands, trademarks and other intellectual property must be stated on the website. Not only does that give you legal protection but also another opportunity to remind the customers about who owns the brand. This is particularly important in cases where product brands are much better known than the company they belong to, and are often used in a generic sense.

A brand is quite often the most valuable property that a company may have. An online branding strategy goes a long way in cashing in on that value.

Hi, I am Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed. Over the years I have run many successful businesses & made many mistakes on the way. I have created to help you benefit from all I've learned on my journey. Please visit us & download our special 'Freebie of the Month' as a thank you for your visit.Antoinette Blog98066
Camel Blog76521

Clean The Computer Of Spyware Entries With Reliable Spyware Removal Software

Spyware is malicious software that downloads onto a computer clandestinely. It makes entries in the registry and must be removed with a registry cleaner in addition to a Spyware removal utility.

'Spyware' is a term that refers to a very wide category of malicious software that has been intentionally designed to intercept or take partial control of a computer's operation without the consent of that computer's owner or lawful user. When the term 'Spyware' is taken in a literal sense, it suggests that the software clandestinely monitors the activities of the user operating the computer, however, it has over the years, come to be known as software that hampers the operating systems efficient functioning for the benefit of a third party, usually the person who created the Spyware. By downloading onto a system the Spyware will also make entries in the system registry. While it is imperative to remove the Spyware from the computer it is as imperative to remove all traces from the registry as well. This can be achieved with the help of some anti-Spyware and Adware removal utility such as Spyware removal tool.

How Does It Affect The Computer?

'Spyware' is candid software that downloads itself onto a person's computer and constantly operates in the background and collects personal information of the user. For instance, it will record the entry from the keyboard every time the user enters a username and password or credit card details. The Spyware will monitor and record the information as well as which site the username and password was entered into. It will then mail this information to the host computer that the Spyware came from. In order to do this the Spyware must take over some processor time. It does this by delaying the operation of other programs or applications running on the system. This slows the system down drastically. The system can be revamped with utilities such as Kazaa Spyware removal tool that works as well as any free Spyware removal software.

Are Spyware Removal Utilities Not Enough?

Spyware removal utilities do remove the Spyware from the system they cannot delve into the registry and remove all the entries therein. The registry will have to be scrubbed clean with Trojan and Spyware removal tools specially designed for the purpose. Many of the Spyware entries will be associated with critical system files and so the anti-Spyware program will not delete them from the registry. Only a Spyware Adware remover such as any of the free Adware Spyware removal tools will scan the registry and detect the broken links and determine it they will hamper the efficient operating of the system if they are removed. If the Adware Spyware remover decides that they can be safely removed the entries will be deleted. If the entries are left in the registry they may link up to the site where they came from initially and download the Spyware again.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comAlexi Blog4367
Adrienne Blog50489

The Connection Between Fitness and Singles

What's the connection between dating and singles? It seems like gyms are often popular places to meet people, and fitness singles sites are cropping up to satisfy the needs and wants of online daters looking for partners to workout with and romance at the same time. Is there a significant connection between the fitness industry and single life?

One possible explanation for the connections made between fellow gym-goers is the desire to find like minded people who enjoy active lifestyles and staying in shape. Certainly, a part of this is a greater appreciation in general for people who are physically fit. While this is a broad generalization, it may be safe to assume that most people who want to keep themselves in shape also want that from their partner. For this reason, gyms attract like minded people, with similar lifestyles. Also, as has been proven by several psychological studies, similarity and proximity increase the likelihood of attraction. Therefore, if two people run into each other on a regular basis, and see each other participating in activities they both enjoy, the chances of meeting and making a connection are more likely.

Another psychological explanation may come from biological and neurological studies. Chemicals released into the brain during exercise are often associated with feelings of euphoria. These feelings are commonly seen as responsible for a 'runners high' that many consistent exercisers experience. As these feelings of euphoria are experienced, people are conditioned to associate those positive feelings with other stimulus that surround them. Like Pavlov's Classically conditioned dogs, a person who see something (like another attractive person) while experiencing a positive emotion (a runners high) begin associating these two things together. Eventually, people begin attributing their positive feelings to that person (he/she makes me feel good). As a result, many singles who are heavily into the fitness lifestyle, and regularly visit the gym, may begin to pair their positive feelings with other fit singles they see at their gym.

While these explanations may only be a part of the reason why singles and fitness are frequently paired together, ultimately, there is some sort of connection between the two. Whether these stem from psychological reasons or the desire to seek out other physically attractive or fit people, fitness and singles are frequently paired, and with good reason.

Joe Davidson provides kisscafe with interesting articles about Online dating.Brana Blog28569
Aryn Blog47356

What If Steve Irwin Was Your Brands Spokesperson?

Steve Irwin, the one-of-a-kind Crocodile Hunter, passed away recently in a freak accident that caused a sort of global gapers block on the Web. One of the charming things about Steve was that he was real. He didnt edit out his mistakes so that we could learn from them. He showed human fear from time to time. And he didnt do endorsement deals.

But what if he did? What if Steve Irwin had represented Mountain Dew or Timberland, or Red Bull? Studies show that a brands fortunes at least in the immediate term are tied to the trials and tribulations of its spokespeople.

The most famous advertising spokesperson to pass away in recent years was Dave Thomas, the founder and face of Wendys. Daves affable personality and his palpable integrity buoyed Wendys in what remains a cutthroat category. But when Dave passed away, there did not seem to be a plan in place to transfer his brand equity smoothly along to other representative elements. The brand floundered. And its still not getting it right, four years later.

When you choose a spokesperson, youre marrying your brand to that persons life. So what happens if a spokesperson passes away? Here are three things you as the marketer must do immediately.

Alert corporate communications. This is no longer just an advertising problem, its a company image problem, and how your company reacts to the situation can put you behind or push you forward.

The corporate communications folks will need to know, if they dont already,

* How long has the individual been linked to the company?
* What made him/her ideal for the job?
* How much were sales linked to the endorsement?
* How much money was spent promoting the spokesperson?

These questions and many others theyll have for you, are critical in being able to answer the press questions about the spokesperson and what he/she meant to your company. Particularly the question of what made this person ideal to represent the company. This is a chance to restate the values of the company to a listening public.

Plan a tribute carefully. Use some advertising dollars to produce a tribute to your spokesperson. Whether its a simple letter in the newspaper from your employees to the family of the spokesperson, or a full life-and-times documentary, this is a way for your company to show it deeply cares about its employees and contractors.

But be very careful about these tributes. The public can sense ulterior motives, so dont think you can tag the tribute with a 50-cent-off coupon! In fact, the most moving tributes are unbranded. Consumers will figure out youre behind it, particularly if you put the film on your website for them to share and download.

But, be aware, this will only work if you can execute immediately. As evidenced by Steve Irwins death, the time of interest is only a few weeks long. Later on, you will simply be reopening a wound or preying upon the past.

Change advertising strategies. You need to pull all existing advertising featuring this spokesperson immediately. Consumers get freaked out looking at people whom they know are deceased, preserved on film and selling product. Be like a rhinoceros and stamp out every instance. Dont let networks and publishers tell you they cant. If it was their spokesperson, theyd find a way! If this action leaves you below the threshold of advertising needed to support your brand, come up with inspired ideas and find other ways you can generate impressions in the meanwhile, including retail exposure, advertorials, and promotions.

Its now urgent to reconcept your advertising. To take advantage of the equity your spokesperson brought into the brand, recast your advertising strategy to keep continuity behind the personality and tonality attributes of your spokesperson. Have a short strategy session if the personality and tonality hadnt been documented before, so you can get it right.

Leave your consumers with a warm feeling about your late spokesperson and your company while assuring them theres still a bright future ahead.

Michelle Edelman is vice president/director of planning at NYCA, a full-service marketing agency that grows businesses with inspired ideas. NYCA has grown business for clients like TaylorMade Golf, San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau, Rossa Putters, Maxfli Golf, ViewSonic Corp., The San Diego Union-Tribune,, The EastLake Company, Kyocera Wireless, DIRECTV, Penta Water, National City Mile of Cars, AutoAnything, First Dental Health, TaylorMade Performance Labs, and others. To find out how NYCA can grow your business, log on to Blog70130
Anett Blog68683

What is Continuing Education?

Continuing education in general is quite similar to adult education since it is also intended for adult learners, especially those adults who are beyond traditional undergraduate college or university age. However, it is wrong to club continuing education with other educational programs such as vocational training. As its name suggests, it is a continuation of education. The student of continuing education already has an education prior to taking up continuing education.

Continuing education in the simplest term is a form of post-secondary learning activities and programs. Some of the programs under continuing education may include non-degree career training, degree credit courses by non-traditional students, formal personal enrichment courses, workforce training, experiential learning, and self-directed learning which is done through online interest clubs and groups or personal research activities.

Many universities and colleges in the US cater to continuing education programs. Often there is either a division or a school of continuing education, which is also at times given names such as university extension or extension school. Continuing education involves both credit-granting courses as well as non-credit-granting courses. Such non-credit-granting courses are often taken for personal, non-vocational enrichment. There are many community colleges in the US that cater to such programs.

It is not only students who need continuing education, but also professionals who need it to update their knowledge and skill set. In fact, it is a compulsory for people practicing certain professions. Licensing authorities in a number of fields make continuing education compulsory on members who hold licenses to practice within a particular profession. The licenses to practice their profession are issued for a fixed term and are to be renewed after the expiry of this term. If they fail to update themselves through continuing education, their licenses are not renewed. This is done to encourage professionals to expand their knowledge base and keep pace with new developments. This may be achieved through college or university coursework, extension courses or conferences and seminars attendance.

The method and format of delivering continuing education includes conventional classroom lectures as well as distance learning. Students who enroll for continuing education in a college or university often opt for classroom and laboratory classes. However, much weight is given to distance learning as maximum of those who opt for continuing education are working people who have little or no time to attend classroom lectures.

In such distance learning, education is imparted through CD-ROM material, videotapes, and broadcast programming. Education online is also one area that has seen fast development in recent years. Material for study is delivered over the Internet. In fact online degrees are pursued by many students and professional who finds them very convenient. Students can earn some extra pocket money working part time and professional can pursue an online degree that will help them in career growth.

Other than CD-ROM material, videotapes, and broadcast programming, continuing education is also delivered through independent study and use of conference-type group study. Again the Internet plays a big role here. These groups with similar interests meet together online and discuss and exchanges ideas and knowledge. These online communities are very effective in sharing knowledge and new findings.

Another way of facilitating continuing education is through seminars and workshops. A combination of traditional or conventional, distance, and conference-type study, or two of these three types, may be used for a particular continuing education course or program.

Find the school of your choice online now at

Manu Goel is senior editor at http://www.keydegree.comCathleen Blog11928
Annaliese Blog32276

The 5 Biggest Customer Service Blunders Of All Time

While howls of protest over poor customer service continue to fill the air, there remain some businesses that manage to consistently deliver superior customer service year in and year out. These are the places where turbo-charged employees pursue customer delight with a passion, places that ignite a flashpoint of contagious enthusiasm in employees and customers alike. Foremost among the lessons to be learned from such flashpoint businesses are the blunders to avoidthose fatal mistakes that trip up just about everybody else.

First Blunder: making customer service a training issue.

Businesses of all kinds invest huge amounts in training programs that do notand simply cannotwork. The function of such training is to identify the behaviors workers are supposed to engage in, and then coax, bully, or legislate these behaviors into the workplace. At best, this is almost always a recipe for conduct that feels mechanized and insincere; at worst, it intensifies worker resentment and cynicism.

Instead of dictating what workers should be doing to delight customers, the better approach is to give workers opportunities to brainstorm their own ideas for delivering delight. Managements role then becomes to help employees implement these ideas, and to allow workers to savor the motivational effect of the positive feedback that ensues from delighted customers. This level of employee ownership and involvement is a key cultural characteristic of virtually all flashpoint businesses.

Second Blunder: blaming poor service on employee demotivation.

Businesses looking for ways to motivate their workers are almost always looking in the wrong places. Employee cynicism is the direct product of an organizations visible preoccupation with self-interest above all elsea purely internal focus. The focus in flashpoint businesses is directed outward, toward the interests of customers and the community at large. This shift in cultural focus changes the way the business operates at all levels.

The reality in most business settings is that employees are demotivated because they cant deliver delight. The existing policies and procedures make it impossible. Instead of fixing their employees, flashpoint business set out to build a culture that unblocks them. Workers are encouraged to identify operational obstacles to customer delight, and participate in finding ways around them.

Third Blunder: using customer feedback to uncover whats wrong.

Businesses often use surveys and other feedback mechanisms to get to the causes of customer problems and complaints. Employees come to dread these measurement and data-gathering efforts, since they so often lead to what feels like witch-hunts for employee scapegoats, formal exercises in finger-pointing and the assigning of blame. Flashpoint businesses use customer feedback very differently. In these organizations the object is to uncover everything thats going right. Managers are forever on the lookout for "hero stories" - examples of employees going the extra mile to deliver delight. Such feedback becomes the basis for ongoing recognition and celebration. Employees see themselves as winners on a winning team, because in their workplace theres always some new "win" being celebrated.

Fourth Blunder: reserving top recognition for splashy recoveries.

It happens all the time: something goes terribly wrong in a customer order or transaction, and a dedicated employee goes to tremendous lengths to make things right. The delighted customer brings this employees wonderful recovery to managements attention, and the employee receives special recognition for his or her efforts. This is a blunder?

It is when such recoveries are the primaryif not the onlycatalysts for employee recognition. In such a culture, foul-ups become almost a good thing from the workers point of view. By creating opportunities for splashy recoveries, foul-ups represent the only chance employees have to feel appreciated on the job. Attempts to correct operational problems wont win much support if employees see these problems as their only opportunity to shine.

Flashpoint businesses celebrate splashy recoveries, of coursebut theyre also careful to uncover and celebrate employee efforts to delight customers where no mistakes or problems were involved. This makes it easier to get workers participating in efforts to permanently eliminate the sources of problems at the systems level.

Fifth Blunder: competing on price.

Its one of the most common (and most costly) mistakes in business. Price becomes the deciding factor in purchasing decisions only when everything else is equaland everything else is almost never equal. Businesses compete on the perception of value, and this includes more than price. Its shaped by the total customer experienceand aspects such as helpfulness, friendliness, and the personal touch often give the competitive advantage to businesses that actually charge slightly more for their basic goods and services.

Those businesses that deliver a superior total experience from the inside out (that is, as a product of a strongly customer-focused culture) are typically those that enjoy a long-term competitive advantagealong with virtual immunity from the kinds of headaches that plague everybody else.

Customer-focus consultant Paul Levesques latest book is Customer Service From The Inside Out Made Easy (Entrepreneur Press, 2006).

Copyright Paul Levesque. All Rights Reserved. Celie Blog94489
Catherine Blog14941

Your Guide to Hidden Cameras and Other Security Cameras

Hidden cameras have become very popular in recent years with business owners, law enforcement officers and parents. Business owners often use surveillance systems to keep an eye on employees or their store to protect the business from theft or abuse. Hidden cameras are used by the police to catch criminals in the act or to record arrests as they occur. Parents use nanny cams to make sure their children are being properly treated. If you're thinking of buying a hidden camera or other type of security camera, here's a quick guide below.

How Hidden Cameras Work

There are two types of hidden cameras - wireless and wired. Wireless hidden cameras use batteries and have the camera and transmitter concealed with no visible wire from the camera to the recording equipment. Wired cameras will have a physical wire running from a VCR or PC to the camera.

To determine if you need a wireless or wired hidden camera, consider the length of time you will need to record. Will the batteries hold up long enough? The location of the hidden camera is also important. Hidden cameras come in a variety of shapes, forms and themes. Choose a camera that goes well with the environment around so it will be unnoticeable. Some cameras feature wide-angle viewing, which comes in handy when you need to survey a large area. Also, the lighting of the area is important. Check the hidden camera's resolution before buying.

Types of Hidden Cameras and Security Cameras

There are many types of hidden cameras and security cameras for all situations. From dummy cameras to professional cameras, each one serves its own unique purpose. Here are some types of cameras and their benefits.

Nanny Cams

Protect your children throughout the day with a nanny cam. Even if you have a nanny you feel you can trust, it doesn't hurt to have a nanny cam for the safety of your children and home. Nanny cams are actually hidden cameras that come in many shapes and sizes. The camera might be embedded in children's items such as teddy bears, backpacks, baby wipe containers, dolls, stuffed animals, etc. These items can be placed in the child's room along with other toys. There are also nanny cams for other rooms of the home, including clocks, radios, table lamps, food containers, thermostats, pillows, picture frames, hair dryers, DVD players, etc. Every room can have a nanny cam if needed. Check with your local law enforcement before getting a nanny cam or hidden camera for your home to be sure there are no restrictions.

Surveillance Systems

If you need more than a few hidden cameras, consider a surveillance system. Surveillance systems enable you to observe multiple locations through one sophisticated system. With a channel DVR system, hidden cameras are set up in different areas and interconnected so you can survey all the areas through multiple channels. You can expand your surveillance system as your business or operation grows. There are also portable DVR surveillance systems and those that enable you to monitor the area from any location online.


Monitors are screens that show what is going on as it happens. Many public places have monitors set up to let people know they are being recorded. Some monitors are used by the owners or security guards to keep an eye on areas from behind the scenes.

Dummy Cameras

Dummy cameras are not hidden cameras or even real security cameras. They look like real security cameras and give an appearance that the area is being recorded. The thieves won't know if the camera is real or not. Dummy cameras are often used as a deterrent by many business owners.

Professional Cameras

Professional cameras are often used to survey large businesses or offices, inside or outside. They can be mounted on walls or ceiling brackets. Some are waterproof for outdoor surveillance. A variety of professional cameras are available for different situations.

Hidden cameras and security cameras are great for protecting your children, home, business or property. Use the guide above to find the hidden camera or security camera that's right for you.

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comArabele Blog33244
Cathrine Blog22528

Ways to Find Discount Home Owners Insurance

If you are looking for a cheap home owners insurance, you often have to compromise with the price; the more expensive the better policy. Although this is the main rule, there are some exceptions. One of these exceptions is discount home owners insurance. How do you find it?

Have You filed claims the last couple of years?

If you haven't filed any claims for a couple of years or so, you might be able to save some money to the tune of 15% on your premiums. Also, if you use the same insurance company for a couple of years, that will also look good and you can save bucks.

Why Not Get Multiple Policies From The Same Provider

It might be a great solution to get it all together ? auto, home, health, travel and whatever other coverage you need to get under the same company, you can save lots. This can chop off a wopping 10-15% of your premium. All it takes is just a little bit of planning!

Are You Protected?

It's standard for many companies to offer you a discount if you have things like burglar alarms or smoke detectors installed. You might also have one that is connected to a third party monitoring company. That will save you even more bucks.

Know Where The Nearest Fire Station Is

There are a few things in terms of location that can alter your premiums. If you live far from a fire station or fire hydrant, you'll normally have to pay more. The opposite is the case If you live within the city limits; them you will pay less on your premiums, compared with living out in the sticks.

The Building Materials of Your House

What your house is made if will actually make a difference in how much you pay. For example, wood houses carry higher premiums than good, solid concrete structures.

Higher Payments On The Deductible

If You can afford it, you should pay as much as possible on your deductible, thus your premium will be lower. If you are able to pay something like $200 or $1000, you can bring that premium down as much as 20%!

Stop Smoking!

Non-smokers will save cash; even as much as like 15% in many cases. Check out if the company you use offers a deal for non-smokers.

Now, after I have provided you with a few pointers to help you save cash on your house you might be ready to buy your home owners insurance. Anyway, you should consult your agent. Most insurance agents also know of some tricks to get you out of paying piles of cash.

Marvin Toller is a writer and internet publisher who likes to write about nsurance issues. You can read more on the news and in depth information website Blog11583
Ashla Blog50406

Do You Know the Fastest Way to Get a High Page Ranking?

There are millions upon millions of websites on the internet. The majority of these site's have poor page rankings. Is your site one of them? Would you like to increase your page ranking? Silly question right? Of course, you want a high page ranking.... we all do. Keep reading and I will let you know a little known secret as to how you can quickly improve your page ranking.

In the early days of the web, search engines would get information about a website from the keywords meta tag. This is no longer true. The reason is that several people began to keyword stuff their meta tags to achieve higher rankings with the search engines. The Search Engines got wise to this and changed the criteria they use when crawling websites. This does not mean you should forego keyword meta tags, it is still good optimization practice to include a keywords meta tag however, this tag alone will not get you a high page ranking.

Before I tell you how you can quickly improve your page rank, I want to touch on Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is very important to the success of your website and to getting good page rankings. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to learn good optimization practices and use them when creating and submitting your website(s). You can learn more about Search Engine Optimization at visit

OK, so how do you get a high page ranking? Did you know that most search engines put a high level of importance on the links to your webpage? When a high ranking website links to your site it will make the search engine take notice. Does this mean that all you have to do is get a lot of incoming links to your website? NO, absolutely not! In fact if you simply go grabbing incoming links from wherever you can you could end up getting your site banned by search engines. The key is to get quality links from high ranking sites. All of your incoming links should be from site's that have something to offer your visitors. In other words there content should be relevant to yours. After all, if you are searching for information on 'computer hardware' you aren't going to be interested in a link related to 'dog grooming' now are you? Another very important point needs to be made before we continue; NEVER use link farms. This is important and bears repeating.. NEVER, EVER use link farm!

s. The use of link farms could get you banned. You want to stay focused on your site's content... that includes your incoming links.

OK, here is what you have been waiting for, how to improve your page ranking quickly;

First: Go to and download the Google toolbar. Install the toolbar on your web browser.

Second: Do a search using one of your site's most important keywords or phrases.

Third: Visit one of the first few site's displayed in the search results.

Fourth: Note where it says "PageRank" on your toolbar. The green bar represents the page ranking for the site you are visiting and ranges from 0 to 10.

Fifth: By using this toolbar and searching with your important keyword or phrase you can find a site with a high ranking and relevant content.

Sixth: Look for the contact information for the site you are visiting and send a request for a link to your webpage in exchange for a link to theirs.

Every link you get from a high ranking site will improve your ranking with the search engines.

Be aware, since these are high ranked sites, some will refuse your request. Never fear, there is a solution. Go back to your search engine and this time enter "link:" (without the quotes) followed by the name of the site you just approached for a link. You should only need to enter the site name, not the complete url. The resulting display will show you all of the sites that link to the one you approached. You can now go visit one of those sites and ask for a reciprocal link. While this is a 'backdoor' approach to getting the link you were originally has been known to work.

Here is a little side-note with regard to negotiating for reciprocal links. This was learned during my years as owner of two businesses. In any negotiation the other side has one thing on their mind at all times...."What is in this for me?" When negotiating for reciprocal links you should stress the benefits that the agreement will provide to them. Try to make your offer as attractive to the other side as you possibly can.

I admit this involves a little time and effort however, a wise man once said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with an empty tank and a flat tire." The time and effort you spend is well worth the rewards.

Terry Morris is a freelance writer from the midwest. He is the retired owner of two successful businesses. He has worked in the computer and electronics industry for over thirty years. He is currently the author and webmaster at which specializes in website creation with emphasis on search engine optimization. Ailey Blog82950
Beret Blog27985

Exercise Caution While Playing A Poker Game Online

Have you ever tried your hand at poker? Poker is probably the most popular card game in the world. A lot of fortunes have been won or lost on this game. Poker and gambling in general is a past-time that most of us indulge in. Unfortunately gambling can transform us from being an occasional gambler into a gambling addict who may eventually even gamble his life away.

Weve all seen those Hollywood movies where guys have lost everything they have and have to resort to desperate means to pay debts or to be able to gamble again. While you might say that it only happens in the movies, some people had actually gone through similar bad experiences due to gambling.

Control or moderation should be exercised in gambling as it should be in potentially dangerous activities like drinking alcohol and smoking. But in our modern times you dont have to wander far for some betting action. You have probably heard of a poker game online. It is said to be the future of gambling.

In these modern times, almost every person has access to a computer. It is now possible to play a poke game online at the comfort of our couch. A few decades ago, who would ever think that people would be playing a poker game online one day?

Whether its online gambling or in some casino in Vegas, it is still important to ensure that you dont bet what you do not have. Its easy to lose control when gambling, especially when youre losing. Not everyone have the self control to quit when their ahead or when they have lost a large amount of money.

Gambling or playing a poker game online doesnt protect you from heavy losses. Since every computer has its own IP address, you cant escape your online gambling debts. So before you play poker game online, remember to gamble with your extra money not your future.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning gambling. To get more information visit Blog88604
Cate Blog8756

4 Steps Away From Your Own Website

In the last decade, the Internet has become one of the most important and effective platforms in which to promote yourself and your products. But if youre not an experienced webmaster, getting such a project underway can seem a bit overwhelming. However, this article will show you how such a project can become both a fun and an enriching experience for anybody who wants to create his or hers own website. You will learn how to built and maintain a practical and efficient website for all your visitors to enjoy.

The Plan:

The first and undoubtedly most important, but often forgotten, step is drawing up a plan. In this stage of the process, it is the time to lay out the details of your website project. Of course your website is a work in progress, and you will most likely change many things along the way, but if you do not have a clear idea of the direction you want your project to go in, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the magnitude of such an ambitious project and give it up all together. Here are a few things I strongly suggest you do not overlook when planning for you Internet project:

Give yourself a deadline:

Of course this is not set in stone and there are no consequences for not finishing in time. But it is a good idea to set deadlines in order to maintain some sort of order in your project.

Make a list of people who can help:

We all have that friend or relative who is good with computers or even an old college buddy who has a knack for writing articles. You can ask them if they can help you in any of the aspects of your project.

Make a budget:

How much are you I willing to invest is an important question you must ask yourself at this stage. You will have to do a bit of research at this point. Again, none of the decisions you take on are set in stone, but having a good idea of how much designing your website, registering you domain name or hosting you website will cost is an important part of the first step.

Define your website:

A few questions you should ask yourself at this point are what will the overall theme of the website be and who is your intended public. A good idea for a first website would be to build it around a passion of yours.

Plan the overall look of your website:

Without getting into specific detail, such as logos, pictures or color scheme, it is a good idea at this stage to have a clear idea of what you want your website to look like. Depending on the overall theme and nature of you website, you will have to decide on the look you will want to achieve. For example, a site talking about your favorite sport or television series will not have the same look as a website promoting business related books.

Decide how much time you want to put in:

Finally, in this step you will have to take some time and think about how much of the work you would like to do yourself and how much of it is going to be done by professionals. There are certain aspects of a website that are more time consuming than others, so you will want to spend your time on the things you deem most important.

If youre having problems with this stage, dont get discouraged. Like I said earlier, it is without a doubt the most difficult stage in the process. While you can have professional do things for you in subsequent stages, deciding the overall look and theme of your website is a decision you have to take all on your own.

The content:

The next step in creating a popular website your visitors will consistently come back to is to offer them the information they need through useful and up-to-date content. If you have already defined a clear picture of what your website is about in the first step of the process, you can now easily understand what your potential visitors are looking for. You should also decide at this point, in what way you would like communicate this information. Articles and tutorials are a great way of offering free and compelling information to your visitors.

There are numerous website that offer articles you could use on your website. You can browse through an extensive collection of articles and add them to your website. As long as you follow the guidelines set by the website and the respective authors, you may use these articles on your site as a way to offer compelling content for you readers. There are several of these article directory websites out, such as, and just to name a few. It may also be a good idea to write your own articles. This isnt as difficult as it may seem, especially if your sites theme is based on a subject youre particularly passionate about. You may even share your articles on these article directory sites. In return, your article may be published on other websites with an active hyperlink to yours.

You may also have a product to sell or to promote. Even though this part of your website is indented to get you a profit, this does not mean you cant offer any relevant free information to your user. In fact, offering the reader a good and honest review of both the pros and cons of purchasing such a product can be a great way of concluding sales.

Another great way of helping your visitors in their search for answers is by redirecting them to other websites that offer complementary information. You should however note that asking for permission to link to these websites is highly recommended and is the ethical and acceptable way of doing things.

The Design:

Graphic design:

As important as the content is in getting your readers to come back to your site, the graphics and overall appearance of the website is just as important in creating a great first impression. Everything, from the color scheme, the graphics used, such as your logo, to your picture selection all work together toward achieving the look you ultimately want your website to have. The important thing is not to get carried away with the graphics on your website. If you take a look at any corporate website on the Internet, you will notice they have a nice clean look, relying on nicely positioned photos and carefully selected graphics. You should also try to remain fairly consistent in your overall layout. Essentially, every page on you website should look the same. This will maximize your sites usability, allowing visitors to navigate with ease throughout your website.

One option can be to use templates that can be either found for free on the net, or that come with software you may purchase. It should be noted that this will require some form of coding skill to add the content you need for your website. You must also realize that finding a template that perfectly matches your needs may be hard to find, but remains a viable solution for your first website. Now for those of us who want to create a customized website that will suit our requirements, hiring a professional designer is another possibility. Of course, this can cost a considerable amount of money in the long run, especially if you plan on creating more than one website. Therefore, learning how to create simple graphics for your website is a great way of saving money that could eventually be spent more wisely on a good hosting company for example.

Mastering a photo editing program such as Photoshop may take several years, but creating simple graphics such as a logo, a banner or a content box is possible with a little help and practice. A great way of learning to design graphics for websites is with the help of tutorials. You can find loads of free tutorials on sites like,, and many more. With a step by step visual approach, youll be creating beautiful graphics in no time.


With your content and graphics now ready, you can now move on to the next step of creating the actual website. You must code everything into a language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that Internet browsers can recognize. Now any experienced programmer can manually code HTML using a text editor such as Notepad. You may try your hand at manually coding a website if youre up for a challenge. You may be able to code a simple website using free online courses such as the ones we find at

Of course, these days theyre exists a multitude of software such as Dreamweaver that can help you program entire websites quicker and more efficiently. Like Photoshop, it may take a while before you get the hang of this program, but you may easily create a simple and appealing website that fits your immediate needs with the help of free online tutorials on websites such as and many more.

Another option would be to have a professional programmer create a website to your specifications, but again this can be quite costly in the long run. It all depends on your budget and the nature of your intended website. If its a commercial website, you may feel that investing in a designer and programmer may be worth it because there is a possibility you may make the money back fairly quickly.

Get up and running:

At this stage of the process, you are just one step away of realizing your dream of having our very own website. Once your website is ready, it is time to get your pet project out there to the World Wide Web, for the whole world to see.

Web Hosting:
This is the time for you to choose where you are going to put your site. There are multitudes of hosting services available for you to choose from, but it is important to do so according to your requirements. There are many places on the web where you can host your website for free. Of course, there will be some conditions imposed on you in return, such as adding an advertising banner.
If you have an Internet connection, your Internet Service Provider will most likely have a space where you could place your website for free. Although limited in space, this can be a viable second option for your very first personal website. You could also use this space to test out your website. If you plan on operating a commercial and professional looking website, you will have to purchase space from a hosting service. Depending on your needs, there are an endless amount of hosting packages that will be offered to you. The size of your website and the amount of visitors you expect are some of the factors you must consider before signing-up with any hosting service. I recommend using Godaddy.coms hosting service. They offer several packages to choose from, all of which are relatively cheap and reliable.

Domain Name:

This is also the stage where you must register a domain name. Your domain name will be unique name (address) that will best represent your website. A good tip is to keep the name relatively short, so that your viewers will remember it the name next time they want to visit your website. For personal websites, a good idea would be to use your name. As for business related websites, this stage may be a bit trickier because a lot of the best domain names have already been taken. This is where your creativity comes into play. Once youve done your research and have come up with a good name, I once again recommend visiting and learn more about their offers.

Maintaining you website:

After all that hard work, you finally have your website up and running. At this point in the project, you can take a breather and be proud of what you have accomplished, but you also have to keep in mind that it is crucial to your websites success that you maintain your website. In fact, maintaining your website is perhaps the most important aspects of running a website. Some of the steps you will have to take are: making sure your links remain functional and keeping your content up-to-date. Aside from the fact that frequently updating your websites content will help you with your ranking in search engines; it will also benefit the lifeblood of your website, your users. Offering useful and up-to-date information to your visitors will inevitably keep them coming back for more.

Josh Green is a senior editor for Visit today for this and many more informative articles, stunning web design tutorials and reviews of the best tools available.Beverley Blog56255
Carita Blog53472

My Name Is Earl (Season 1) DVD Review

One of the best new shows of the past several years, My Name Is Earl follows the life of Earl Hickey (Jason Lee), a man who discovers karma while lying in a hospital bed. Celebrating a $100,000 scratch-off lottery ticket, Earl gets hit by a car and knocked unconscious. His lottery ticket escapes in the wind, and Earl is hurried to the hospital where a revelation from Carson Daly hits him like a ton of bricks. Convinced that his bad luck is the result of bad karma, Earl compiles a list of everything hes done wrong from grade school to the present, and hes intent on fixing every bullet point on his list Nominated for two Golden Globes in its first season, My Name Is Earl won the Peoples Choice Award for Favorite New Television Comedy. Created by Gregory Thomas Garcia, creator of the popular Yes, Dear, the series is certain to be a favorite for years to come with its eccentric characters, brilliant writing, and infinite episode possibilities (no doubt the list will grow as Earl tackles each thing on it)

Joining Earl on his quest are his dim, yet innocent brother Randy (Ethan Suplee), friend and illegal alien hotel maid Catalina (Nadine Velazquez), Earls trailer trash ex-wife Joy (Jaime Pressly), and Joys new husband Darnell Crabman Turner (Eddie Staples). Also along for the ride is $100,000 in lottery winnings. Even though Earl lost the lottery ticket when he got hit by the car, his newfound dedication to the principles of karma pays immediate dividends when a gust of wind places the missing ticket right in front of his feet. With the money at their disposal, Earl and Randy dedicate themselves full-time to the task of crossing things off Earls list. Its a quest that makes for some of the most interesting and comedic moments in television history

The My Name Is Earl DVD features twenty-four hilarious episodes including the season premiere in which Earl sets out to help a former grade school classmate he used to pick on relentlessly, Kenny James (Gregg Binkley). Learning that Kenny is gay and lonely, Earl works overtime to find Kenny a partner Other notable episodes from season one include Stole Beer From A Golfer in which Earl and Randy must pay back a golfer (Johnny Galecki) who they cheated out of free beer (a difficult task once they realize their actions have ruined his life), and the season finale, Number One, in which Earl sets out to rectify the number one thing on his list: stole ten dollars from a guy in the convenience store. But #1 becomes the most difficult item on Earls list when he realizes the guy he stole the ten dollars from would have used it to buy the $100,000 lottery ticket. In order to placate karma, Earl must not only give back the $10, but the entire $100,000

Below is a list of episodes included on the My Name Is Earl (Season 1) DVD:

Episode 1 (Pilot) Air Date: 09-20-2005
Episode 2 (Quit Smoking) Air Date: 09-27-2005
Episode 3 (Randys Touchdown) Air Date: 10-04-2005
Episode 4 (Faked His Own Death) Air Date: 10-11-2005
Episode 5 (Teacher Earl) Air Date: 10-18-2005
Episode 6 (Broke Joys Fancy Figurine) Air Date: 11-01-2005
Episode 7 (Stole Beer From A Golfer) Air Date: 11-08-2005
Episode 8 (Joys Wedding) Air Date: 11-15-2005
Episode 9 (Cost Dad The Election) Air Date: 11-22-2005
Episode 10 (White Lie Christmas) Air Date: 12-06-2005
Episode 11 (Barn Burner) Air Date: 01-05-2006
Episode 12 (O Karma, Where Art Thou?) Air Date: 01-12-2006
Episode 13 (Stole PS Hd Cart) Air Date: 01-19-2006
Episode 14 (Monkeys In Space) Air Date: 01-26-2006
Episode 15 (Something To Live For) Air Date: 02-02-2006
Episode 16 (The Professor) Air Date: 02-09-2006
Episode 17 (Didnt Pay Taxes) Air Date: 03-02-2006
Episode 18 (Dads Car) Air Date: 03-16-2006
Episode 19 (Y2K) Air Date: 03-23-2006
Episode 20 (Boogeyman) Air Date: 03-30-2006
Episode 21 (The Bounty Hunter) Air Date: 04-06-2006
Episode 22 (Stole A Badge) Air Date: 04-27-2006
Episode 23 (BB) Air Date: 05-04-2006
Episode 24 (Number One) Air Date: 05-11-2006

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog14941
Bibby Blog7102

How to Review Your Home Security Needs & Choose a Home Security Company

Before you choose a home security system, it is important to take the time to review your needs. There are three primary areas that should be assessed: your security needs, credibility of the security company, and your budget.

Starting with your security needs, undoubtedly, you will be the best judge of what your actual needs are. It pays to have a security expert come in, however, to offer suggestions that you may not know of or think of yourself. An expert will look at your house with a trained eye, finding the most vulnerable spots, such as a window facing an open field or a balcony with a climbable tree right beside it.

The security expert will give you a list of all the problem spots and can recommend the best type of equipment to protect them. He/she will also be able to tell you exactly how many contact sensors, motion sensors, video cameras, etc. you'll need to protect your home effectively.

Next, youll need to consider if it would be favourable to install a stand-alone security system or one that comes with central monitoring. If you are away frequently and your house is somewhat secluded, central monitoring is advisable. Credibility and reputation of the security company are important factors to consider, especially if youre planning to go with the latter choice. We will discuss this in detail shortly.

The final thing to consider is the cost. You'll obviously need to make a choice that covers your security needs reasonably and fits within your budget. Keep in mind, however, that many home insurance policies offer discounts when an alarm is installed; this may help to offset a part of the cost of the security system.

Choosing a Home Security Company

When you're looking for a home security company, you will find both large companies (like Brinks and ADT) to smaller companies that are authorised installers for the bigger companies. In between these two lie medium sized firms that offer affordable prices for their security services.

Most companies provide multiple services such as assessing your security needs, installing the equipment and central monitoring. You should check if the monitoring station is UL (Underwriters Laboratory) certified, has power backups in case of a power outage, a good staff training program and a good relationship with the local authorities in case of an alarm call.

When you're ready to invest in a home security system, talk to a few different companies before having anything installed. They will conduct risk assessments to ascertain your home security challenges and how to address them.

Reputable home alarm companies will meet you in person at your homenever exclusively by phone. They will look around, discuss your needs and possible limitations, and recommend solutions that have worked for other customers.

Experts recommend getting quotes from three to four different installers. Ensure that you get all pricing quotes in writingincluding set up, equipment, monthly monitoring fees, and warranties. The first company you speak to may seem to have a fantastic deal, but don't sign anything immediately. Take your time and meet with a few other companies and find out who offers the best balance of price and security. Some security companies require you to sign a contract for a certain length of time, which can easily extend to a period more than a year. Once you sign the contract, it can be difficult (and expensive) to get out of the contract.

Once you receive quotes and narrow down your search of home security companies, get references from each providerprevious clients who gave permission to be contacted about that dealer's service. Find out why they chose that particular company and ask questions about the companys quality of service:

Did they install the system quickly, within the timeframe they guaranteed?

Are they readily available if you encounter any problems?

Did the representative explain to everyone in your household how the system works?

Were the contracts unambiguous and straightforward?

If you ever experienced an intrusion, did the central station speedily dispatch authorities?

Will you receive a reasonable notice period if the alarm company sells your contract off to another central station?

In addition, some of the questions you should ask when talking to different security companies include:

- How long have they been in business?

- Do they have the relevant licenses and certifications?

- Are they insured against damages during the alarm installation?

You could also talk to your friends and neighbours and see if they have any recommendations.

Anthony Neary represents online Safe retailer For more information and a wide range of security safes visit the online Safe Shop store at Blog76863
Adriena Blog789

10 Building or Home Renovation Survival Tips

Building or the renovation of an existing home can be an extremely stressful experience.

So here are 10 quick tips to make the whole process easier

1. Think of the project as a new diet.

Who doesn't want to lose at least 2 kilos? This is one way to do it. Between running to stores all day and evening long, meeting with contractors, inspecting the work, searching the Sydney metro area for the perfect light fixture, who has time to eat? Provided you don't sabotage this new, unorthodox diet plan, with McDonalds drive through, you're good for losing two kilos. If you are a masochistic type who does some of the work yourself - whether it be painting, laying tile, landscaping the yard - you can count on another five to ten kilogrammes of weight loss. Just think, you may be miserable, frustrated, exhausted, nd down right cynical about the good of the humankind, but your jeans will fit nicely!

2. Write cheques as aerobic exercise.

These workouts are great for toning the wrist and fingers. Usually done in hectic spurts as you race out the door in the morning while the contractors are breathing down your neck and your kids are beating each other with the lunch boxes you just prepared, the stress and frantic activity are sure to raise your heartbeat for a good hour. Grumbling under your breath that the plumber, electrician, or you name it, isn't really worth this much money adds greater intensity and calorie burn to this little publicized exercise regime.

3. Save money through shopping burnout.

Yes, even the most die-hard shopper will come to dread setting foot in any store. This affliction starts innocently enough as you go to look for light fixtures. How hard can it be? Hard! Either the light you want is being shipped from Europe and won't arrive until your youngest child buys his own home, or you just can't find the one you want. You'll shop every lighting and electrical store you know. You'll search Home Depot. You'll haunt hardware stores. And then there's plumbing fixtures. Sink centers, tap handles, finishes, special orders. What's all that about? And the cost. You'd think you were outfitting the palace for a former third world dictator. Of course, there's carpet, tile, hardwood, stairs, and windows. Enough already. And you thought it was a pain picking mints and sweet table treats for your wedding!

After your 1000th trip to Bunnings (or Mitre 10 or whatever), in addition to all the other trips you've made for items that shouldn't count as shopping (toilet seats, for example), you've had it. Your friends won't be able to bribe you to check out the latest sale at Grace Bros. You'll think it will be better when you can pick out "fun" things like paint, wall paper, curtains, fabric, furniture - but don't bet on it. At this point, the pressure to make your home look like something other than an empty rat maze will counteract any joy in shopping. Spending this much money has never been such a miserable experience. As a result, when your home becomes half-way presentable, you'll refuse to shop again - even for groceries - for at least six months. The money you save during this shopping hiatus will be sufficient for you to resume this previously pleasurable past time once more without guilt.

4. Impress your friends with obscure facts.

Only someone that has built or remodeled their home can explain the fluid dynamics of a proper toilet water swirl. Or cite the Australian Building Code that calls for no more than 150mm between electrical outlets. Or brag that triple glazed windows are really the wave of the future for light emitting device technology. See what I mean?

5. Pride yourself on your new creative skills.

You'll discover a creative side that you never knew existed. Like how to wash dishes in the bath. And how to make a full course meal for a family of four using nothing more than a toaster and hot plate. Or how to fit an entire family in a house smaller than your first flat. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. That's probably true, but I also think that the only thing that separates modern and pioneer life is just one kitchen or bath remodeling project.

6. Yell at someone other than your kids - and not feel guilty.

Honestly, as a modern man trying to juggle the running of our homes, possibly a job, and the future Olympic soccer aspirations of our children, you have the primal need to yell. At someone. Anyone. Often our spouse and children suffer from this need of ours to release pent up negative energy generated from nothing more than some miniature human leaving smelly gym shoes on the kitchen table. (Ok, that probably deserves a bit of yelling - we eat at this table!) But when you remodel your house, you have a whole cast of characters - and believe me, they're characters - that often deserve a good scream from time to time. Like when they tell you that they tore out the fireplace because they didn't think it looked right. Or when they show you a mistake made three weeks ago that now requires half the house to be torn down in order to fix. Yelling isn't immature or a result of too many steroids, it's therapy.

7. Throw out all of your junk that you have gathered over the years. You know what I mean, all the space grabbers like the old wardrobes, execise eqipment gathering dust in your garage, clothes that haven't been worn for over two years. You'll be surprised at the reclaimed space that suddenly is available.

8. Grow closer to your family through forced bathroom sharing.

The saying goes that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Perhaps that wise pundit had to share a closet sized bathroom with three kids and a spouse. In reality, there's no greater way to create intimacy in a family than by all trying to get ready for the morning in the same tiny space. You'll learn new exciting things about your children - like toilet paper is purely optional for little boys. You'll discover that there is no bond quite like the one created when the entire family brushes their teeth together over the same sink. You'll realize why the older generation of your relatives only washed their hair once a week instead of facing communal bathroom time. But most importantly, you'll no longer need to yell at your kids to hurry up for school - they're standing right next to you.

9. Earn free flights from all of your purchases.

In what is admittedly (and somewhat sheepishly) the only practical survival tip on this list, get a Fly Buys credit card. Charge everything on it - lights, plumbing fixtures, windows, doors, lumber, carpet. The windows alone can get you close to one free trip. Whether you decide to share your miles with anyone else in the family or to escape on your own to a world of quiet solitude and, preferably, an open bar, is entirely up to you.

10. Hire some good looking female contractors and feel like you're 18 years old again. Who says Hooters are restricted to bars?

Finally, remember, the end result of your new house will be worth the aggravation of the process. Plus, think of all the good stories you can tell!

Joe Ovidi is a veteran of numerous home remodeling and building projects. Joe has been in the building and termite prevention game for over 20 years and has been involved in the entire spectrum of home improvement. He shares his home renovation tips, home building ideas, and other various topics.Andriette Blog56677
Catlee Blog92444

Keeping Dust Under Control with a Dust Spray

For those with allergies or asthma, keeping dust under control is essential to overall health. It is also a good idea for those without any health problems and a buildup of dust can cause cold-like symptoms if breathed in too much. Additionally, too much dust attracts other nuisances such as dust mites, which live in dust and can spread to other parts of your home. A dust spray can help prevent dust from flying around in the air as you clean, making cleanup much more effective and sanitary.

Dust mites do not simply live in the layer of dust across the uppermost shelf in your home. They also live in bedding, couches, carpet, stuffed toys and old clothing, and are similar in appearance to spiders or ticks--although they cannot be seen by the naked eye. There are two types of dust mites, American and European house dust mites. As you may know, much of what we see as dust is actually dead skin that we people shed on a regular basis. Dust mites feed off of dead skin and other organic materials in dust.

You may have dust mites and not know it--only people who are allergic will react to dust mites. Dust mites also shed their skin, and people who are allergic react to this dead skin and dust mite feces. Reactions can range from a runny nose to a severe asthma attack. Dust mites can be difficult to get rid of, and they prefer humid environments, so avoid using humidifiers if you have a dust mite problem. For people with sever reactions, measures that are more drastic may be required, such as encasing bedding in plastic covers and removing draperies. For those with less serious reactions, a regular control program can make a big difference. Using a spray for dust mites is one method to keep the problem under control. Dust spray binds the dust, making it easier to clean and remove. It can also be used on multiple surfaces, such as floors, shelves, furniture, window blinds, lamps, picture frames, and more. Dust mite spray allows you to clean all over the house and reduce the chances of dust mites spreading.

Because dust spray helps keep dust "together," it can be used with a wide range of dusting tools, which makes cleaning easier because you can use a long-handled duster in combination with a dust spray and not worry about the dust falling back to the floor. Instead, it will be trapped in the duster by the dust spray. Be sure to clean your dusting tools effectively, particularly if you have a dust mite problem and are using a dust mite spray. After dusting, take the tools outside away from the house. Give the tools a good shake to remove the dust from the tool. Avoid banging the tools on the wall or concrete, as this can damage them. Depending on the tool you use, you may be able to wash the duster. Using a dust spray in combination with a synthetic duster can be a great solution to a dust mite problem. A spray for dust mites binds the dust, and the synthetic cleaner can be washed afterward with warm, soapy water. Be sure to store your dusters in a way that keeps pressure off the dusting head, as this can damage them. Dust spray also works great with dusting cloths, and these can be machine washed afterward.

Even when using a dust spray, it is a good idea to use top-down cleaning. Start with the uppermost areas and work your way down. This way, should any dust float downward, you can "catch" it as you work from the upper shelves or taller furniture down to the lower shelves and furniture. To minimize "losing" some dust, spray your tool directly with the dust spray rather than spraying the furniture directly. The pressure from the sprayer can blow dust away on furniture, but this will not happen when spraying the cleaning tool.

To keep dust and dust mites under control, dust with a dust spray every time. Even if there is no visible dust, that does not mean it is not there. Dust mites cannot be seen by the naked eye, so regular cleaning is essential. Also, consider using other preventative measures such as an indoor air filter. A filtered vacuum can also help keep the problem under control.


Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit http://www.fuller-brush-products.comCarolann Blog46461
Bellina Blog24639

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